Thursday, 17 November 2011

Raw Jagged Edge

A melody abandoned midway-
The notes linger briefly: unheard .Futile.
Lifetime’s accomplishments: a miserable pittance.
To be termed a ‘Life’, a lack-luster pitiable existence?
With no deeds to speak of, no cause for praise,
This frail existence, a monotonous march to its end does forcibly tend.

An unfinished story-
A drolling voice cut out.
Words left dangling midair: unspoken .Futile.
The tale may just have only begun,
Yet there were many a thing that couldn’t be undone.
A pause…not merely a pause. A groan; a gasp. Silence.
The continuum’s snuffed out. The tale’s met a sudden premature end.
Time not to ponder, time not to repent.
The beat, the pulse is suppressed, is deadened.
The tune’s cut out, end sawed off with a vengeance.
Life’s story, Life’s song: its melody now has a raw jagged edge.
What’s that? Who knows? Who cares?
Why worry bout something that’s gone, that’s dead.

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