Thursday, 17 November 2011

Introspection Of A Hapless Mind

Through the hazy blur of dazed thoughts,
Penetrating the fog of war that selfishness has wrought,
It’s a sight, an apparition that leaves me perplexed and confused.
The world as I knew it: It’s lost its charm, its beauty and its lure.

With a whirlpool of jabbing thoughts,
I’m in a disturbing confusion of sorts.
A vile mindless concoction
Of unfulfilled hopes n desires exasperated.
Like sands at the mercy of erosion,
A hapless mind battling to withstand corrosion.
The future, our purpose -
Worthy are they of contemplation?

Numbed by the screams of countless suffering souls,
A gash through the heart for all the pain and bloodshed that is shown.
Shackled within the tight bonds of a calcareous shell,
I now look upon my world –A world on path to impending hell?

Looking upon the tumultuous world that I now see,
I truly wish to be let out; unshackled; set free:
Free from the hold of this stricken netherworld,
Free to stroll through the halls of a land devoid of rotting cadavers.

Through the hazy blur of dazed thoughts,
Penetrating the fog of war that selfishness has wrought,
The world I now see, it isn’t as I knew it to be before.
Its sad, but its true, that world is NO MORE.

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