Thursday, 17 November 2011

The Ballad of Gitu the Brainiac

Tra-la-lala; Ti-da-di-dum,
Filled to the brim withe reeking sarcasm,
Gitu the Brainiac , onward she goes,
First comes her nose n then the rest follows!

Beneath her fair brow is visible to all
The burning of the midnight oil,
The result of many a sleepless night of pain n toil,
In her struggle to become the brainiest of them all!

Gitu the Brainiac: paranoid n’ hysterical,
With a brain that’s truly insatiable.
From within this lil beast attitude overflows,
As she has an ego as bloated as her ‘lil’ Mangy nose!

I wonder Why?? I wonder What??
What made us call her “Lord Voldemort''?
Maybe its her magnificent aura which is truly awe-inspiring,
Or maybe its jus her persistent queries which are really very tiring!

Pure notes n tones of sweet delight does flow,
From within the lil beast melodious music does pour.
Gitu the Brainiac, n now the singing-sensation,
Coz in this field AmyLee is her only competition!

Tra-la-lala; Ti-da-di-dum,
Filled to the brim with reeking sarcasm,
Gitu the Brainiac , onward she goes,
First comes her nose n then the rest follows!

All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. ;)

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