Friday, 18 November 2011

Wear my heart on my sleeve

A few years ago I got this almost perfectly heart shaped scab as a result of an unfortunate encounter that happened to involve taking a motorcycle for a spin(literally!), jamming the disc brakes of the pulsar and kissing the tarred road!!
I'm certain most of y'all have heard of the phrase 'wear one's heart on one's sleeve' (used to refer to someone who is to known to expose one's feelings or intentions; to be frank or impulsive) . Apparently I wear mine on my palm!!


Garden of Blistering Sand

Sand in the eyes, Grit between the teeth,
Visibility’s dead, the Fury’s unleashed.
Out in the open stood preposterously foolish me.
What bade me to expose my soul, my being??
Out in the open, out at Their mercy:
out to be battered by Forces umpteen and Faces unseen.
What hope inspired this maniacal folly??
…the misplaced confidence of a foolhardy teen?
Whereforth came the impression that I’d come out unscathed and in whole??
...once everyone’s extracted their chunk of meat: their merciless toll.

Parched of spirit and in being; Parched, meek and withering
For I’m stranded in a lonely desert (nature’s very own guillotine).
As hope dries up in the blazing, shimmering Heat,
Every drop of rudimentary might drains out of my charring meat.
Trapped in a land where perhaps the sole luxury
Is a speedy funeral :a burial 6 feet beneath.
My own private graveyard. A Memorial, Ha, a Memorial for me?!
…What need for a tombstone for the forgettable and the unworthy??
Consigned to the grave in this abode of sand, I sense, I feel
The World’s burying its Blunder, its Folly: flawed spineless me.

As the elements suck out what’s left of this fleshy heap,
Blood’s running dry, there’s no tears to weep.
The consequence of trying to brave the World (raving ruthless).
Why chose I to battle the raging Tide,
One governed by ‘The Survival of the Shrewdest’.
Sand in the eyes, Grit between the teeth,
Visibility’s dead, the Fury’s unleashed.
Trapped in a land, a garden wherein can be sowed,
Solely the seeds of Sorrow and Misery.
An expansive garden of blistering sand entwining and devouring me.

Bled alive to nurture Their succulent leaves,
Fed upon by Them all, Preyed on without mercy.
Can They not just let a rotting cadaver Putrefy In Peace??

Thursday, 17 November 2011

Christmas dog :)

Had done this lil fella using oil pastel crayons a few years back :)

Raw Jagged Edge

A melody abandoned midway-
The notes linger briefly: unheard .Futile.
Lifetime’s accomplishments: a miserable pittance.
To be termed a ‘Life’, a lack-luster pitiable existence?
With no deeds to speak of, no cause for praise,
This frail existence, a monotonous march to its end does forcibly tend.

An unfinished story-
A drolling voice cut out.
Words left dangling midair: unspoken .Futile.
The tale may just have only begun,
Yet there were many a thing that couldn’t be undone.
A pause…not merely a pause. A groan; a gasp. Silence.
The continuum’s snuffed out. The tale’s met a sudden premature end.
Time not to ponder, time not to repent.
The beat, the pulse is suppressed, is deadened.
The tune’s cut out, end sawed off with a vengeance.
Life’s story, Life’s song: its melody now has a raw jagged edge.
What’s that? Who knows? Who cares?
Why worry bout something that’s gone, that’s dead.

Even angels will fall from the sky

Heightened senses or instinct , what ever it was ,
caused the birds in a flurry to take to the sky.
Dogs , kittens and hamsters- hair on end
cowered with perked up ears , warned by their instinctual fears .
Yet we silly humans , 'evolved' as we are
fretted solely about getting to work on time.

So when it did hit , clueless we stood,
yet not for a very long while, 'cos as the ground shook
we lay prostrated and buried under a pile . Stunned n' shocked.
Our vision soon blurred and as we lay sprawled
while we were still down , we just had to be kicked around .
so on us our erstwhile possessions piled up high .

We build on shaky ground our lives , our homes
Wishing , Willing , Believing , some Praying
that they stand the test of time .
We embed into the tiles a mosaic of Memories and Aspirations ,
infuse our will into the walls ,craft it with our Perceptions.
We build it up , brick by brick : bound together with love,cement and mortar galore.

Yet when the time comes ,
the very beams with which we built up our dreams
cave in on our living lie .
for when the ground shakes , not only men fall,
even angles fall from the sky .

When the tremors stop , and the plates rest still ,
its only the angels with their wings who can fly .
Mortals , yea we mortals , crushed under the rubble we die .

Foe or Friend

War : unavoidable say some ; some say make amends ,
battles and bloodshed - universally condemned .
To the victor goes the spoils ... but...To what end??
While one man loses a limb , the opponent loses himself .
Regret...Is it regret if you'd do the same thing all over again?
Peace may come slowly , but do bridges rebuild themselves?
Does it matter who wins when the wounds alone we must tend ?
For every future visitor,is met at the portal with a questioning glance,
''Halt!WHO goes there , FOE or FRIEND?''

Introspection Of A Hapless Mind

Through the hazy blur of dazed thoughts,
Penetrating the fog of war that selfishness has wrought,
It’s a sight, an apparition that leaves me perplexed and confused.
The world as I knew it: It’s lost its charm, its beauty and its lure.

With a whirlpool of jabbing thoughts,
I’m in a disturbing confusion of sorts.
A vile mindless concoction
Of unfulfilled hopes n desires exasperated.
Like sands at the mercy of erosion,
A hapless mind battling to withstand corrosion.
The future, our purpose -
Worthy are they of contemplation?

Numbed by the screams of countless suffering souls,
A gash through the heart for all the pain and bloodshed that is shown.
Shackled within the tight bonds of a calcareous shell,
I now look upon my world –A world on path to impending hell?

Looking upon the tumultuous world that I now see,
I truly wish to be let out; unshackled; set free:
Free from the hold of this stricken netherworld,
Free to stroll through the halls of a land devoid of rotting cadavers.

Through the hazy blur of dazed thoughts,
Penetrating the fog of war that selfishness has wrought,
The world I now see, it isn’t as I knew it to be before.
Its sad, but its true, that world is NO MORE.

The Ballad of Gitu the Brainiac

Tra-la-lala; Ti-da-di-dum,
Filled to the brim withe reeking sarcasm,
Gitu the Brainiac , onward she goes,
First comes her nose n then the rest follows!

Beneath her fair brow is visible to all
The burning of the midnight oil,
The result of many a sleepless night of pain n toil,
In her struggle to become the brainiest of them all!

Gitu the Brainiac: paranoid n’ hysterical,
With a brain that’s truly insatiable.
From within this lil beast attitude overflows,
As she has an ego as bloated as her ‘lil’ Mangy nose!

I wonder Why?? I wonder What??
What made us call her “Lord Voldemort''?
Maybe its her magnificent aura which is truly awe-inspiring,
Or maybe its jus her persistent queries which are really very tiring!

Pure notes n tones of sweet delight does flow,
From within the lil beast melodious music does pour.
Gitu the Brainiac, n now the singing-sensation,
Coz in this field AmyLee is her only competition!

Tra-la-lala; Ti-da-di-dum,
Filled to the brim with reeking sarcasm,
Gitu the Brainiac , onward she goes,
First comes her nose n then the rest follows!

All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. ;)

The Conjurer of My spirit and of My soul

As a new day dawns,
I begin to feel like a lowly pawn:
a pawn in the excruciating  game of life;
it was then that the Lady gave me the courage.
the courage to do battle and to face every strife.

The noble Lady said,
"u have the might of a knight";
thus I did not have the heart to give up the fight.
she said it with such conviction, that she made me ponder
on how a lowly pawn could become a true wonder.

with the Lady as my guide
and as she stands by my side,
I start believing in myself,
And break out of the calcareous shell
free from the tight bonds of  an inferior life.

Like the meandering brook ,
fearless and unstoppable that flows swiftly through the land,
The Lady with her virtues is always at hand.
Always there to inspire,motivate n encourage,
everything she lays her eyes on will surely flourish.

The Lady calls upon your spirit and makes it mighty and strong,
she'll leave u feeling fearless,n yet enthralled.
there was a boy who was lifeless n maimed,
she changed him forever n will probably do it again.
that boy was I--Now no more just a lowly lonely pawn.

 All magic is but an illusion , for all that is conjurer up or pulled out of a hat , can also be made to vanish with the flick of a wand.