Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Slaughter . Murder .

We visited a slaughter house as part of a reality-check trip from our veterinary college .We bore witness to the slaughter /bleeding of an animal .It is by far the most horrific , deplorable , nauseating and disgusting sensory and emotional experience I have ever had . To watch the animal being thrown to the ground , tied up by all fours and having its neck hacked at without any stunning left me shaking . To be fair no one was forced to witness this and it was voluntary , yet I wanted to bear witness to how it is practised in reality in our very own city (very different from the perfectly sanitary and hygienic methods propagated in our textbooks , supposedly carried out 'HUMANELY').

If we humans were out in the wild, had to chase down the prey and fight tooth n' claw with it to obtain a meal , it might have been understandable to maintain the natural order of things . Yet ,here we 'civilised humans' have animals packed off to slaughter houses , so as to provide that packed meat carton at our neighbourhood cold storage, so that we the end consumer don't have to bear witness to the atrocious , merciless , terrible act which I just did .What should have been said is ,'FORGIVE ONLY THOSE WHO KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO' . Well, ignorance can no longer be an excuse .


  1. Wonder how they feel. The animals being slaughtered. Apart from the obvious.

    I have this theory- they feel emotions at a level greater than our own. We're so blinded by rationality, greed, among other things that our emotions can be suppressed. . but them. . they have nothing else.

    I look at my dogs every day and one question echoes through my mind every other minute - "HOW can human beings be so vile?"

  2. I guess we're just born with it in our blood: A vile arrogant belief that we as a race are at the center of the universe and everything else in nature is fashioned to our preferences .Well, man has been and will be shown the extent of folly in this belief of his when nature fights back! As to how those animals feel , we can only imagine .

    1. And imagination does wonders.

      Lol, call it what you will, but when nature strikes back, it gives me a sense of peace though it scares me witless.

      Glad to know there're others out there who really care- or are at least aware.

  3. That must have been a hideous sight! The thought of it sends chills down my spine! And I know for sure that I would voluntarily NEVER choose to see this happening for real! Never!
