Sunday, 8 January 2012

Pencil to paper

A pencil shading portrait I had drawn of a friend about a year back .Was rather pleased with the outcome! :D

A pencil to paper ,
An expression of my appreciation
A stencil of She-who-meant-so-much ,
Infused with a sincere adoration .

Cheers ,to what was !
Cheers , to whatever shall be .
Even as all the greenery is lost and the whole globe thaws,
A friend that was , shall always be in need .

Bridges need not always be rebuilt to cross the turbulent stream ,
a dinghy that even barely stays afloat will do just as well for me.

Saturday, 7 January 2012

''All lives end. All hearts are broken . Caring is not an advantage , Sherlock''

That's what u call a dialogue!

If you haven't already watched any of it's episodes , you really ought to give the new BBC Entertainment series 'Sherlock' a try . It is a completely new age Sherlock Holmes story that's truly brilliant . Didn't ever expect to watch Sherlock slapping on nicotine patches in the place of his traditional pipe or tapping away at a laptop / PDA for that matter! Being one of those guys who spent many a day flipping through The Complete Works of Sherlock Holmes as a kid , I'd expected myself to be aghast at what I thought would be an utter desecration of the work (much like the recent Sherlock Holmes movies, which thanks to the action-packed sequences and impressive acting skills portrayed could be considered to be quite fine flicks ,yet still leaves you wondering why they bothered to use the name of Arthur Conan Doyle's detective at all!). Surprisingly I found myself extremely appreciative of the twist to the whole story . It is just four episodes in , so it's certainly not too late for you to start following it . It is even being shown on television here in India at about the same time as the release of each episode :)

House MD, you've now got competition !