Tuesday, 27 December 2011


There one moment , gone the very next .
Transient joy , fleeting 'love'.
Ephemeral interactions ,short-lived warmth.
Fickle-minded affection, caring withheld .
Friends made , most are lost .
Respect's gained , rarely does last:
For its soon covered over by shard upon shard of frost .
If all is but transient , then so shouldn't be pain ??
I ponder , Oh I wonder , When cometh a bout of smiles again?
Hope , I beg thee , just Don't make me wait in vain.

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Shake your tail feathers!!!

It's a misty morn , yet the sun shines bright and warm :) so chirpity chirp and shake your tail feathers !! If you do have sharpened talons or beaks ,you can use them solely to draw in the sand . You bustards (No its not a typographical error , its a species of bird!!) ought to point them elsewhere, for on a day that begins with a smile there is little you can do to hurt me :)

Thursday, 1 December 2011

A Ravishing Time at St. Joseph’s Boys’ High School

 I was asked to write a short piece about our beloved school for a monthly newsletter back when I was in 12th Std , here it goes ...

'' The prospect of receiving an education at an institution like St. Joseph’s Boys’ High School with a hundred and fifty years of glorious history and with great footsteps to follow in, was admittedly truly daunting and awe-inspiring. With the likes of Rahul Dravid, Rahul Sarpeshkar, Sabeer Bhatia, Robin Uthappa , J.V Pillai, Nikhil Chinnapa, Jimmy Anklesaria and many more renowned personalities having graced the corridors of this institution during their formative years, one couldn’t but help sense that a ‘yellow-brick road’ to a glistening future is etched into the stars of each one of its pupils. Thus with mighty hopes, great expectations and a measure full of awe, I stepped into the institution for my 11th grade, prepared to settle in for a pleasant ride. Gosh, what a ride it has been! A “journey” would perhaps be a more appropriate term: a journey of growth, a journey of personal development, a guided tour of the hallways of knowledge and even so a journey filled with fun and cheerful mirth! I sensed that two years at this institution would change me forever, and a seer couldn’t have predicted it any better, because just two years later the little lad that had set out on the ‘journey’, has grown into a young man: one capable of braving the currents and tides of the massive ocean we call the real world.
         ‘Fide et Labore’ (Faith and toil), our school’s motto, truly sums up what we are encouraged to do: to strive forward with “hearts within and God overhead”, and with the determination and the will to work hard to reach our goals. One of the major driving forces of the management and the teachers (who we fondly refer to as “chers”) has been seeking a true all-round development of the pupils. ”Discipline” is another keyword of our beloved institution, an aspect our teachers have meticulously stressed upon. It’s a word that is thought to send shivers down any pupil’s back but is in fact seemingly welcomed here at Joseph’s since “we couldn’t break a rule that doesn’t exist right”! On a more serious note, the qualities of discipline and self-reliance that are instilled in us, almost as a part of the curriculum itself, are a great character builder: a sturdy, orderly foundation to build our castles/skyscrapers upon.
         With the recent conversion of the ISC programme into a co-ed system, the management has commendably managed to seamlessly integrate the fairer sex into the previously all-boy school. With a principal who’s much in tune with the changing times, and inspiring teachers who have a close rapport with the pupils and who will continue to mould them into impressive beings, the school will surely rise to even greater heights and continue to nurture the voices of the future. We the proud ‘Josephites’ promise to do our little bit by going ahead to “Ring out the battle-call of Duty” and “Unfurl the flag of Faith and Toil” (excerpts from our school song), and in doing so hopefully further win and spread our school’s renown. Speaking for myself, this institution has been all that I initially expected it to be and much more. It has been a god-send for me by certainly providing one of the best possible environments for me by helping me to learn and to grow; by teaching me the essential lessons of life and by letting me have a fabulous, memorable time as I went about it! ''